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形式 形式
工资信息 工资
就业机会 工作



The return to work policy for New River Community College will be implemented according to Executive Order #52 and Executive Order #94 (05). While New River Community College management will work with all employees to reduce on-the-job risks, the 重返工作岗位政策 will pertain to employees with compensable work-related injuries as well as non-occupational injuries and/or illnesses. The policy will provide the flexibility to take into account an employee’s special circumstances, 在适当的时候使用修改过的赋值.

按照政策, the 人力资源 Office (HRO) will work with the Worker’s 补偿 Program in implementing initiatives to reduce work-related injuries and to improve services to employees. The 人力资源 Manager is designated as the 重返工作岗位 Coordinator. She will have the responsibility for implementing, 管理, and educating all employees on the 重返工作岗位政策. She may delegate certain responsibilities to the 工资 Technicians.

The policy will be reviewed annually and revisions made as necessary.


当员工在工作中受伤时, the HRO is notified and a member of this staff will complete the Employer’s Accident Report (EAR). The 受伤的员工 will be given the names of a panel of physicians, 由人力资源管理处决定, 他或她可以选择从谁那里接受 医疗保健. The HRO will fax or mail the Employer’s Accident Report to the Workers 补偿 Program within the required time frame.

After the 受伤的员工 has met with the panel physician for the first time, the 重返工作岗位 Coordinator will maintain contact with the physician’s office in order to obtain the 受伤的员工’s prognosis for recovery and return-to-work status. The 受伤的员工 should bring his or her disability slip or work restrictions to the 重返工作岗位 Coordinator or to his or her supervisor who will in turn provide it to the 重返工作岗位 Coordinator. If the Coordinator is not clear on any matters concerning the 受伤的员工, 他或她会打电话给医生. If the work restrictions cannot be accommodated through modified duty, the 重返工作岗位 Coordinator will maintain communication with the panel physician and the 受伤的员工.

Work-related and Non-occupational Related Accommodations

Modified/transitional duty is when the 受伤的员工’s regular job duties have to be adjusted to accommodate the restrictions required by the injury and/or illness. Before the employee starts his or her modified duty, 主管, 受伤的员工, and 重返工作岗位 Coordinator will discuss the required restrictions. Modified/transitional duty will be approved only when it is possible to adjust or identify work tasks and duties that accommodating the restrictions of the 受伤的员工 until he/she can return to his/her normal duties. Modified/transitional duty may be restricted up to a maximum of 90 days.

正常情况下, modified/transitional duty will be restricted to a productive work assignment in the 受伤的员工’s department. If modified duty is not possible within the 受伤的员工’s department, the 重返工作岗位 Coordinator will try to find a productive work assignment which would accommodate the 受伤的员工’s restrictions in another department or departments.

The 重返工作岗位 Coordinator will communicate with Managed Care Innovations for work-related accommodations and the Virginia Sickness and Disability Program (VSDP) for non-occupational return-to-work accommodations.

It is the responsibility of the 重返工作岗位 Coordinator to monitor the modified/transitional duty assignment and to evaluate the progress. 这项义务是可以改变的, 升级, or changed in a manner consistent with medical restrictions and in accordance with an individual’s condition.

If the employee is not able to return to work because of the severity of the injury, the 重返工作岗位 Coordinator will maintain continuous communication with the 受伤的员工. The 重返工作岗位 Coordinator will also communicate with the panel physician and provide him or her with the necessary information to assist in returning the employee back to work. The supervisor will maintain communication with the 重返工作岗位 Coordinator and the 受伤的员工. If the panel physician determines that the employee has permanent restrictions or has reached maximum medical improvement, the HRO will apply the appropriate state personnel policies and procedures.

New River Community College will attempt to make returning the 受伤的员工 to work as smooth a process as possible. The agency’s goal is to get the 受伤的员工 back to full-time work at full duty as soon as possible and in a safe and healthy manner.

批准人:Jack M. 刘易斯,总统






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  •  克里斯蒂安斯堡,弗吉尼亚州24073
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